Kussay Chichakly - Designer des Brautkleid Wettbewerbs 2017

KUSSAY CHICHAKLY - more is more

How did you start to design wedding dresses?
Once as a kid I went with my mom to her hair dresser there I saw my first bride getting ready to her wedding, I was so fascinated how special she looked and I'm still fascinated with brides even after all this time.


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Designer Kussay Brautkleid 2017 andcompliments & foreverly

What is the core of your designs?
The Core of my designs is to give every bride the opportunity to shine on her special day!

Are you more classical or trendy?
I find the best dress is always a combination of the traditional wedding dress that makes the bride looking different than other guests with a modern twist that should be very according to her personality and body shape.

Designer Kussay Brautkleid 2017 andcompliments & foreverly

How do you create new collections, how do you create your designs?
Finding an original idea and paying attention to details in every step of making the dresses, especially the flow of the fabric is the key to make the perfect dress.

Where do you get your inspiration? What was your inspiration source?
Inspiration comes from anything beautiful. But I always find myself inspired by nature or by the different cultures on our small planet.

What has the greatest importance in your collection (silhouette, fabric, design, etc.)
Fabric can inspire a design. But also choosing the right fabric is the most important part in designing so they both complete each other.

 Designer Kussay Brautkleid 2017 andcompliments & foreverly

What kind of women / brides do you see in your designs?

  • My bride is not a princess or a top model
  • My bride is the regular girl next-door
  • And my job is to transform her into a star on her special day

What was your favorite customer moment with a bride?
I did more than a hundred wedding dresses since I started working. But still I remember my first bride. I was still a student in the fashion university when my older sister wanted to get married. The dress had some problems till the last day. But I fixed everything before the wedding and I remember how relieved and proud of me she was at the end. 

Last but not Least: Your top tips for brides and wedding guests
Don't think too much about what's right or wrong. Be dary but also choose something that reflects your personality and goes with your body shape.

Designer Brautkleider

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Fotocredit: Kussay Chichakly

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